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High School Moot Court Competition

The first and only moot court competition for high schoolers.

In the era of globalization, the legal profession is one that is increasingly difficult to enter into. Nowadays, merely holding a degree in law is not a sufficient guarantee that one may be able to compete in the field, especially if one desires to practice in the international level. Thus, participating in international law moot court competition is one of an important and highly recommended courses to take. It helps the participants in the practical side of practicing law in accordance with international law issues.

Picking up from this view, it is favorable if the chance to join international law moot court competition is opened for high school students as well. The opportunity will serve to kindle their interests in international law as well as a way to expose them to its practical side before entering into law school.


Therefore,in accordance with a long-term vision of producing excellent lawyers in all fields, the International Law Moot Court Community (“ILMCC”), a law student organization, together with Himpunan Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan, took the initiative to hold “The High School Moot Court Competition"


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