About Us
International Law Moot Court Community (ILMCC) is a community in Universitas Pelita Harapan which facilitates its students to compete in international moot court competitions, such as the Jessup International Court of Justice Moot, the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot, and the WTO Dispute Settlement Moot.
This website serves as a central resource for all external mooting at UPH.
What Is Moot Court?
A moot court competition simulates a court hearing, in which participants analyse a problem, research the relevant law, prepare written submissions, and present oral argument. Moot problems are typically set in areas of law that are unsettled or that have been subject to recent developments. They usually involve two grounds of appeal, argued by each side.
Why Should I Moot?
At Law school, the closest experience that a law student can get to appearing in a court is mooting. Mooting is the better way to learn the law than to read, interpret, comprehend, and understand research, frame arguments, and write. By doing Moot Court, the experience, the exposure and the memories it will give a Law student is unrivaled when compared to any other activities in Law school.
How Can I Join ILMCC?
To join ILMCC, all you need to do is keep track of the schedule of your preferred moot, and make sure to register when the recruitment is opened!
Am I Eligible To Join ILMCC?
ILMCC is open to ALL active student currently enrolled in UPH Law School.
- National Champion
- Best Combined Memorials
- Best Respondent Memorial
International Rounds :
- Rank 81 out of 135 for Best Combined Memorials
- Rank 63 out of 135 in Preliminary Rounds Overall Team Rankings
Achievements in National Rounds:
- Second Runner Up
- Second Best Oralist (Imelda Jo Anastasya)
- Best Speaker for Roleplay (Jason Nicholas Budianto)
- National Champion
- Best Combined Memorials
- Best Applicant Memorial
International Rounds:
- Top 22 Ranked Best Combined Memorials (Alona E. Evans Awards)
- Ranked 54th in the Global Rounds.
- Top 100 Ranked Oralists (Kayla Faza)

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"The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today."